亚洲专业箱包展 The Only Professional Bag Show In Asia
As one of the world's three major professional bag &luggage show,The 20th Shanghai international bag show is approved by the Shanghai Business Committee, Hosted by China Leather Association、China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Light Industrial Products & Arts-Crafts、Shanghai Leather Technology Association、Zhejiang Leather Industry Association and Shanghai Nengbo Exhibition Co.,LTD.It is a platform for connecting the global luggage manufacturers,dealers, brands、agents, traders ,e-commerce, designers, and buyers,etc.The show will focus on bag industry, gathering industry products, technology, information and human resource . It will promote the international and domestic trade through creating a new bag industry chain ecosystem.
目标观众Target Audience 参观目的Purpose Of Visit
◎品牌代理商/加盟商 Brand Agent ◎采购 Purchase
◎进出口贸易商 Import & Export ◎寻找合适的供应商 Look for Proper Suppllers
◎百货/商超 Department Store/Shopping Mall ◎寻找新的制造设备/材料 Look for New Manufacturing Equipment/Materials
◎批发商/零售商 Wholesaler / retailer ◎了解最新行业动态和产品 Get to Know the Latest Industrial Trend and Products
◎电商平台 E-commerce platform ◎寻找潜在合作者 Look for Potential Partners
◎设计师/时尚人士 Designer/Fashionistas ◎维护与现有供应商的关系 Maintain the Relationship with Existing Suppliers
◎政府/行业协会 Government / Industry Association
观众统计:Audience statistics: 部门分类Department classification
地区分布Regional distribution 48.89%决策/管理部门
华东East China: 62.2% 48.89% Decision-making/management
华南South China: 17.3% 28.66采购部
华北North China :9.5% 28.66 Purchasing Department
华中Central China: 8.5% 15.76%销售部/市场部
东北Northeast: 5.9% 15.76% Sales/Marketing Department
西南Southwest: 1.9% 5.1%设计部门
西北Northwest: 1.7% 5.1% Design department
其他Other: 2.5% 1.5%其他 1.5% other
观众反馈Audience feedback
92%总体对展会评价为非常满意 92% were generally very satisfied with the exhibition
95%认为参观上海国际箱包展对公司很重要 95% think that visiting the Shanghai Bag Show is very important for the company
86%愿意将上海鞋展推荐给朋友或者业内同行 86%would recommend the Shanghai Shoe Show to friends or industry peers
89%表示明年还会参观上海国际箱包展 89% said they would visit the Shanghai Bag Show next year
93%认为这次展会的展商质量为非常好 93% think that the quality of exhibitors in this exhibition is very good
● With a 100% focus on the luggage industry, the event has been successfully held for 15 sessions, making it one of the leading exhibitions in China.
● Ending is only open to professional trade audiences. High quality and stable trade audience make the exhibition efficient and convenient.
● The Chinese luggage market grows rapidly with unlimited potential.
● Many famous brands in the Chinese market, especially those with the highest sales volume, have participated in the exhibition.
● Both the participating brands and products are highly visible and free of charge.
● We work closely with leading edge media and the bag association to understand the market demand.
● The marathon exhibition features a variety of activities to provide the exhibitors with powerful marketing tools.
● Complete collection of all kinds of bag and bag products and famous brands, presenting the latest trends and trends of the industry.
● PM and mass media provide brand promotion and promotion opportunities and effectively increase the exposure rate.
展商评语Exhibitor comments
Calvin Klein: We have participated in the exhibition for 4 years in a row, also participated in the new product launch, brand promotion activities. For the expansion of Chinese agents, the effect is very good
银座箱包:银座连续三年参展了,每年都带给大家不一样的体验,大闹天宫系列、航海王系列、Hello Kitty系列,深受采购商的喜爱,每一届都值得期待。
1、第20届上海国际箱包展览会 开幕式
1. Opening Ceremony of the 20th Shanghai International Bag Show
2. China International Luggage and bag e-commerce selection conference
3. Quick hand luggage accessories industry business
4. New opportunities for the domestic luggage industry to cross-border 5. The Global Luggage and bag Industry Digital Summit Forum
6.Promotion meeting of domestic and overseas luggage industry park
7.New Generation Brand Theme Exchange Forum
参展请联系: 上海雅辉展览有限公司
联系人:徐小姐 13482087759 QQ:403557166